1. As tempting as it may be, do not try to hire friends or family to work your wedding.
Although this may seem like a good cost saving idea at the time, you will quickly find out it can become stressful in a hurry.
Your friends and family should be able to enjoy the day celebrating with you. The last thing you want to have happen is your to have your mom miss out on those all important photographs because she is busy clearing the dinner plates.
2. Nix the idea of trying to make all of your own food
It may sound like a good idea in the beginning to try and piece together a meal for your guests on your own. Most venues offer a prep kitchen only. You will need a way to keep all of your food hot. Who is going to refill the food when things start running low. Your caterer is a pro at this and will make sure your food is delivered hot and in many cases can man the buffet line to be sure you don’t run out of food.
3. Consider hiring a Day of Wedding Coordinator
Who is going to oversee all of your setups? It is always a good idea to have someone designated to coordinate all of your vendors. What if your caterer has an emergency and doesn’t show up for the wedding? A wedding coordinator will have a list of other wedding pros on speed dial in case of such an emergency.
4. Compile a wedding day emergency kit
It’s always a good idea to have some emergency essentials on hand “just in case.” Consider having a kit on hand that would include things like: a needle and thread, stain remover, scissors, a black sharpie, a first aid kit, an extension cord and an extra phone charger.
These are just a few helpful tips to keep in mind for your big day! #weddingdaytips #Weddingplanning #weddingvenue #weddings #orchardlaneevents #daytonweddings #weddingsandevents
